Monday, July 1, 2013

Granite Mountain

I cannot even get my head wrapped around the tragedy in Arizona. 19 firefighters lost in a single moment. 19 brave souls taken away too soon. I can't imagine the grief of their families, of their community. For those that follow things like this, that makes 61 line of duty deaths so far this year. 61 firefighters that sacrificed it all to help someone like you. That makes me feel incredibly humble. To know that there are men and women out there that would make that sacrifice, to live with one, makes me grateful. Take the time today to go to your local fire department. Or to one of the state or federal ones on a local park. Thank these men and women for being willing to perish in what would be described by most as their worst nightmare. Thank them for being willing to do that for YOU. And when you grumble about how a firefighter makes too your research. Just like teachers, these men and women are woefully underpaid. Stop and much would it take to get YOU to run into that burning building? How much would it be worth for YOU to face a towering inferno? How much would it take for YOU to be the last line of defense between a forest and a neighborhood? God bless the Granite Mountain HotShot crew that gave all yesterday. God bless all 61 of our American firefighters that have made the ultimate sacrifice this year. And God bless those that get on the trucks today, and every day, willing to make that call if it will save one of us.

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